St Mary and St Gabriel
Sharing the love of God
Coffee in the Law Room - Harting after church - if you would like to join the rota, please sign up on the rota in the porch. (The Rotas board is on the left as you enter from outside.)
Sunday 6th October - Harvest Festival Sunday
Harting 8am BCP Holy Communion
Harting 9.30am Breakfast Before Church
followed by 10am All Age Eucharist
Harting 3pm Pet Service
Didling 5.30pm - Evensong (earlier time for Autumn)
Sunday 13th September - Elsted Harvest Festival
Elsted 10am Harvest Eucharist
Sunday 20th September – 21st Sunday after Trinity
Harting 10am Benefice Eucharist
Didling 11.30am Shepherds' Eucharist
Sunday 27th September – Last Sunday after Trinity
Elsted 10am Taizé Eucharist